code of the day cotd maya mel

Code of the Day: AutoTangent

AutoTangent 1.0.3 script by martin freitag: AutoTangent 1.0.3is a script for changing selected Graph Editor Keys to a smooth tangent.

code of the day cotd maya mel

Code of the Day: Tornado Maker

Tornado Maker 1.1 script by maya.user: Tornado Maker 1.1is a script for creating custom particle based tornado system.

code of the day cotd maya python

Code of the Day: Playblast Window

Playblast Window 0.0.2 script by Seamus O’Hearn: Playblast Window 0.0.2is a simple script UI for creating specific playblast options.

code of the day cotd maya python

Code of the Day: PAIE

PAIE 1.3.2 script by Jakob Welner: PAIE 1.3.2 (Python Attribute Import/Export) is a script for exporting animation and pose information to a file, and importing them onto the same (or similar) character.

book review python

Book Review: More Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner

One thing I always want to do is try and look at programming from a fresh pair of eyes. While I am certainly not an absolute beginner it is sometimes interesting to see how a development book tries to instill the core concepts of programming into the new reader. In More Python Programming for the […]

code of the day cotd maya mel

Code of the Day: Batch Animation Transfer

Batch Animation Transfer1.0.0 script by daagom: Batch Animation Transfer is a script that takes a folder of animations and applies a new rig and copies over the animations (requires that that the names match on the new and old rig).

code of the day cotd maya mel

Code of the Day: AE Skin Weights Transfer

aeSkinWeightsTransfer1.0.0 script by AndersEgleus: aeSkinWeightsTransferis a script for exporting and importing smooth skin weights in Maya by comparing the world space positions control points.

code of the day cotd maya mel

Code of the Day: dp SaveScenePlus

dp SaveScenePlus 1.2.2script by diegopri: dp SaveScenePlus 1.2.2is a tool for doing an incremental save.

code of the day cotd maya mel

Code of the Day: DP Transfer Skeleton Keys

dp Transfer Skeleton Keys 1.0.6script by diegopri: dp Transfer Skeleton Keys 1.0.6is a tool for transferring skeletal animation from one skeleton to another. The skeleton needs to have the same hierarchy, but does not require identical naming.

code of the day cotd maya mel

Code of the Day: SRB-AnimTransfer

SRB–AnimTransfer 0.2.0 script by Suchan Bajracharya:–2 SRB–AnimTransfer 0.2.0is a tool for transferring animation from one object to another with options for mirroring the keys across different axis for translate, rotate and scale.