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Happy New Year

Hopefully 2012 is an interesting one full of fun and adventure. As part of my new year’s resolutions, I will try and improve the overall use of the blog(s) by introducing two new elements. Media Of The Day and Code of The Day.

Since has been my more technical blog, I will look at using that formy code reviews and updates of game engines, technical code and elements of interest. This will host Code of The Day.

My other blog will be more of a game review and animation review site, following things I am playing and watching. This will host Media of The Day.

Hopefully this separation is logical to people, I believe that the wordpress site can be used for more of an interest audience, and the technical site can be used for those people interested in development.

I will do my best to keep both blogs entertaining, but felt that a logical split would help benefit you (the reader). The reason for choosing two different blog companies is just part of the fun!

Bye for now,

Michael Hubbard

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