code of the day cotd

Code of the Day: Rig-o-matic

More creative crash site today, I looked at the Rig-o-matic script by Jason Baskin: This script is an autorigging solution for creating bipedal characters. This allows creation of FK, IK setup, automatic naming of joints and creation of controls.

code of the day cotd

Code of the Day: FileTextureManager

Continuing on with more creative crash site today (more game programmer code at some point), I looked at the TextueFileManager script by Crow Yeh|Feng Ye: This script has functionality to analyze a Maya scene’s current textures and move and update texture paths. This includes renaming each texture path with a variety of prefix, suffix, […]

code of the day cotd

Code of the Day: Connect Poly Shape

Continuing on with more creative crash site today, I look at the Connect Poly Shape script by dirk: This tool set simulates subdivision modeling with polygons by connecting a low res polygon shape with a higher res version. The higher res proxy version updates in realtime to allow an artist to model in low-res […]

code of the day cotd

Code of the Day: GI_Joe

Continuing on with more creative crash site today, I look at the GI_Joe script by pixho:–2 The script is a set of UIs for creating a fake spherical lighting Global Illumination setup. There are a couple of options to setup the initial number of lights, as well as numerous options for setting the shadows, […]

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Code of the Day: FBIK CharacterControl

Continuing on with the creative crash site today, I wanted to continue a bit more with some asset creation tools, so downloaded the popular FBIK CharacterControl by shinsenTarou: The script is a UI for character building similar to a feature like Motion Builder. This offers a UI for selecting specific rig controls (rig file […]

code of the day cotd

Code of the Day: MJ PolyTools

Continuing on with the creative crash site today, I wanted to continue a bit more with some asset creation tools, so downloaded the popular MJ Poly Tools by Mikkel Jans:

code of the day cotd

Code of the Day: TreadsCreation

Continuing on with the creative crash site today, I downloaded the third most popular download AS_TreadsCreation by asanint: This is a script to copy (or instance) objects around a curve to create an animated tread (like a tank tread). The treads created have a speed attribute for setting the direction and speed of the […]

code of the day cotd

Code of The Day: Advanced Skeleton

I decided to tackle a larger (and second most popular download) on creative crash today, the advancedskeleton by oyvind: This is quite a large bundle, although the majority of the size 4.34 MB download is from the numerous icons (both .png and .xpm icons). The package is an entire rigging system, allowing flexible creation […]

code of the day cotd

Code Of The Day: detachseparate-mel

A good place to start this first code of the day is something small but useful. The most downloaded script on creative crash is the Maya script detachseparate-mel by JeffD: The functionality of the script is similar to the Mesh->Extract on a Polygon Face with the difference that the script creates a separate hierarchy […]

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Happy New Year

Hopefully 2012 is an interesting one full of fun and adventure. As part of my new year’s resolutions, I will try and improve the overall use of the blog(s) by introducing two new elements. Media Of The Day and Code of The Day. Since has been my more technical blog, I will look at […]