Creative crash site again today with the Zoomerate script by mooKid: This script creates an interface for a camera to track, pan and zoom a camera quickly (in the x, y, or z axis). The interface allows any camera to be selected, and provides an option to reset the camera.
Author: michael
Code of the Day: Rivet Button
Creative crash site again today (will get to the cheese factory soonish), today I looked at the Rivet Button script by bazhutkin:–2 Simple little script that creates a locator which is constrained to two edges on a polygon or one point on a NURBS surfaces.
I went to the Unity Vancouver Meetup last night which was pretty fun, about 25-30 people attended (although I didn’t stay too late). It was interesting meeting some people that worked with Unity, and there were a couple students and indie teams that came out to the event:
Code of the Day: AbAutoRig
Again with creative crash site today, I looked at the AbAutoRig script by crumbly: This script is another auto rigging tool (a focus of mine for the last little while), and gives a feature set for building a bipedal skeleton. Some of the options include: FK/IK controls with auto align, mirroring tools, scalable stretchy […]
Code fo the Day: AKS_LightRay
More creative crash site today, I looked at the AKS_LightRay script by Kilik:–2 This script is a neat little tool for creating light rigs based on existing vertex selection. The built-in option is to use the vertices of a sphere to create a Global Illumination (GI) setup, but could be used on any number […]
Code of the Day: RockGen
More creative crash site today, I looked at the RockGen 2.0 script by Terry Stoeger:–2 This script is a neat little tool for creating rock formations with a click of a button. The number of rocks, distribution radius, sheer, noise, min and max.
Code of the Day: Rig-o-matic
More creative crash site today, I looked at the Rig-o-matic script by Jason Baskin: This script is an autorigging solution for creating bipedal characters. This allows creation of FK, IK setup, automatic naming of joints and creation of controls.
Continuing on with more creative crash site today (more game programmer code at some point), I looked at the TextueFileManager script by Crow Yeh|Feng Ye: This script has functionality to analyze a Maya scene’s current textures and move and update texture paths. This includes renaming each texture path with a variety of prefix, suffix, […]
Unity current thoughts
An old colleague of mine recently asked what I thought of Unity, I gave him my answer, but thought I would share part of it in the blog too. For starters I would like to say I really like Unity, and think that it is moving in a great direction, but thought I would try […]
Continuing on with more creative crash site today, I look at the Connect Poly Shape script by dirk: This tool set simulates subdivision modeling with polygons by connecting a low res polygon shape with a higher res version. The higher res proxy version updates in realtime to allow an artist to model in low-res […]