I went to the Unity Vancouver Meetup last night which was pretty fun, about 25-30 people attended (although I didn’t stay too late). It was interesting meeting some people that worked with Unity, and there were a couple students and indie teams that came out to the event: http://www.meetup.com/UnityGames/events/41411882/
Category: event
Coffee Break Hero 14 Day Sprint.
This is cool, a complete RPG in 14 days, with 24 hour live streaming a day, to raise money for Child’s Play Charity: http://www.bigblockgames.com/games/coffeehero/challenge/
It is over! I thought I would add some closing thoughts.
So, I went to the exhibition and some of the galleries and ballrooms today. Losts of neat stuff. If I was to sum it all up, it would be Motion Capture, 3D printers, Autodesk, Maya and NVIDIA. Those seemed to be the major players, although not surprising since they are also some of the more […]
Siggraph is in Vancouver. It is pretty neat to be hosting the 3D animation festival, and there are lots of people excited to go. Some of the Animation Film Festival is today.
ATempo Digital Archive Event
I just got back from an Annexpro event http://www.annexpro.com/news-events/. The event was held at the Annexpro office and was “Managing Digital Content Throughout Your Workflow with Backup and Archive” presented from Atempohttp://www.atempo.com/ on their Atempo Digital Archive (ADA): “a long-term data storage system and file archiving solution aimed at mid-market and larger organizations“.
I went to the Siggraph event “The Art of Lighting and Rendering Rio” for the new animated movie Rio http://siggraph.ca/festivals/information.php?fest=20110621-RO which featured Jim Gettinger, Lighting Supervisor at Blue Sky Studios. Blue Sky Studios (New York) is owned by Twentieth Century Fox and has a pretty good 3D rendering history including Ice Age movies, Robots, Horton […]
I attended the 3vis event “Make Your Dreams a Reality” in Vancouver http://www.3vis.com/enCA/evenements which showcased a lot of Autodesk 2012 software including 3ds Max, Maya, Motion Builder, Mudbox and XSI. 3vis put on a nice show with some prizes, food and open bar 🙂 The event was broken up into three major presentations.