I went to the Unity Vancouver Meetup last night which was pretty fun, about 25-30 people attended (although I didn’t stay too late). It was interesting meeting some people that worked with Unity, and there were a couple students and indie teams that came out to the event: http://www.meetup.com/UnityGames/events/41411882/
Category: Unity
Unity current thoughts
An old colleague of mine recently asked what I thought of Unity, I gave him my answer, but thought I would share part of it in the blog too. For starters I would like to say I really like Unity, and think that it is moving in a great direction, but thought I would try […]
The programming languages to know (for Game Programmers and Technical Artists), but can really be applied to almost any programming task:
Everybody loves shaders, and Unity’s 3.X ShaderLab http://unity3d.com/support/documentation/Components/SL-Reference.html is interesting in what they have done (ShaderLab is similar to CgFX scripts, but unique to Unity).
I was at Unity’s UNITE conference in Montreal, and it was both informative and fun http://unity3d.com/unite/ UNITE is an annual conference to showcase and educate users and developers using Unity technologies. This conference is the largest annual Unity developer conference and is the tenth such conference. UNITE is often the platform Unity uses to announce […]
The question of performance and what can benefit from additional work optimizing code (or art) is a very complex problem. To grossly oversimplify the questions of performance, it is worth looking at a few of the terms used to describe what involved in the actual measure of performance. Usually when talking with people about a […]