book review c++

Book Review: More Effective C++

A blast from the past More Effective C++ by Scott Meyers is not just another C++ book, but touches on a number of features and concepts that should be talked about far more than you get from most C++ books. Some of the topics include: smart pointers, lazy evaluation, preventing resource leaks in constructors, preventing […]

book review c++ cross-platform

Book Review: Cross-Platform Development in C++

I decided to look into some more books on cross-platform work to see what more professionals were doing in this field. The book Cross-Platform Development in C++:Building Mac OS X, Linx and Windows Applications by Syd Logan, describes some of the techniques used in creating the Mozilla/Netscape browser to multiple platforms, and the challenges involved […]

book review c++

Book Review: Herb Schildt’s C++ Programming Cookbook

Cookbook books are interesting in that they often cover a wide range of topis in a short amount of time and space. Herb Schildt’s C++ Programming Cookbook, handles a number of topics including string handling, STL containers, I/O, formatting data, overloading operators like subscript, new and delete, the increment and decrement operators and the use […]

Automation c++ code quality python team lead

Coding Style and Stylecop

How important is coding style? This debate is something that really draws out the “artist” and critic in every programmer. In many ways the style of writing code is similar to writing poetry, and what makes the subject so hotly debated is that the beauty of the code, sentence or poem is all in the […]

book review c++ code quality

Book Review: C++ In Action Industrial Strength Programming Techniques

With all the posts on Agile methodologies I decided to take a break and follow up on more programming aspects. C++ In Action Industrial-Strength Programming by Bartosz Milewski is as the preface states “… is not a language reference or a collection of clever tricks and patterns. This book is about programming.” The book offers […]

book review c++ refactoring

Book Review: Professional Refactoring in C#

I would recommend the book Professional Refactoring in C# & ASP.Net by Danijel Arsenovski for any developer interested in refactoring code. Arsenovski gives clear and documented refactoring improvements for a variety of common code structures, as well as some specific C# version 3.0 features. The book deals strongly with the concept of code “smells” which […]

c++ Visual Studio Template XNA

XNA C# Item Class Template

I thought I would share a simple class template for XNA classes that are not Game Components (for classes that do not require an update etc.). If you copy the code below to a new (empty class called Class1.cs) and then go to File->Export Template (choose Item Template in the wizard) and the class you […]