While I usually spend my time dealing with game engines and pretty pictures, it is always good to know a bit about what is going on in the web too. I find that web technologies move very quickly, and while sometimes there are fads, often they will be coming up with new technologies that are […]
Game Review: GameDev Story
There is a fun little game GameDev Story for the iphone/ipod http://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/game-dev-story/id396085661?mt=8 that I have been meaning to write about. The game itself is pretty addictive, and kudos to the idea and execution (if you haven’t tried it, it is definitely worth a look, and some of the games you compete against like “Street Cleaner […]
So I am just a few days into my new job as a Technical Artist/Software Engineer working for Bardel Entertainment http://bardel.ca/ in Vancouver. It is pretty exciting working with some old friends from Leap In Entertainment, and the work that goes on here is some high quality 3D animation. It is a little different than […]
Python Design Patterns
There is an intersting talk about Python design patterns at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KZx8bATBFs&feature=related from Google Students. I really liked the comment that “Design Patterns must be studied in the context on the language in which they’ll get implemented” as some patterns can be change or disappear entirely if there is a better way to do something that […]
A worthwhile tome of knowledge, Python Developer’s Handbook by Andre Lessa is a good introduction to Python in all forms. While it does not deal with Python 3.X it still gives quite a lot of examples about how complete python is as a language, and how useful it is for tools. As one of the […]
Javascript Defense
Ok so I have gotten a little bit of response from a few guys at work on my post http://gameprogrammertechnicalartist.blogspot.com/2011/03/programming-languages-to-know.html with Javascript coming in at number two. Let me start by saying I know there is a lot of bad Javascript code out there. Some of it is ugly, some of it is even uglier […]
A good book for those just starting out or wanting to look at programming again with a fresh set of eyes, The Practice of Programming by Brian K. Kernighan and Rob Pike has a good approach to teaching programming. Instead of focusing on syntax or abstract concepts right from the get go, the book instead […]
An intersting book The Productive Programmer by Neal Ford has some great tips for the everyday and really brings out interesting concepts about the daily tasks of programming, as well as some good advice such as “Don’t Shave Yaks”(where you can delve so far into a problem you end up solving everything but the problem) […]
The programming languages to know (for Game Programmers and Technical Artists), but can really be applied to almost any programming task:
In case you did not know there is the site for rating employers: http://www.ratemyemployer.ca/ But how useful is it really for you as a potential employee? Well, from what I can tell, most of the time the ratings are generally pretty negative. This has to be taken in context, and a company that has a […]