book review business

Book Review: Starting a Successful Business in Canada KIT

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book review maya technical artist

Book Review: MEL Scripting a Character Rig in Maya

The book MEL Scripting a Character Rig In Maya by Chris Maraffi, is an intersting book on how to automate more of the rig creation (something I am a big fan of). Maraffi has a video describing his tools on youtube at This is a good book for those interested in MEL scripting and […]


ATempo Digital Archive Event

I just got back from an Annexpro event The event was held at the Annexpro office and was “Managing Digital Content Throughout Your Workflow with Backup and Archive” presented from Atempo on their Atempo Digital Archive (ADA): “a long-term data storage system and file archiving solution aimed at mid-market and larger organizations“.

event siggraph technical artist

Event: Siggraph "The Art of Lighting and Rendering Rio"

I went to the Siggraph event “The Art of Lighting and Rendering Rio” for the new animated movie Rio which featured Jim Gettinger, Lighting Supervisor at Blue Sky Studios. Blue Sky Studios (New York) is owned by Twentieth Century Fox and has a pretty good 3D rendering history including Ice Age movies, Robots, Horton […]

event maya motionbuilder xsi

"Make Your Dreams a Reality" 3vis Event in Vancouver

I attended the 3vis event “Make Your Dreams a Reality” in Vancouver which showcased a lot of Autodesk 2012 software including 3ds Max, Maya, Motion Builder, Mudbox and XSI. 3vis put on a nice show with some prizes, food and open bar 🙂 The event was broken up into three major presentations.

game programmer indie

Full Indie Meetup

I went to another Full Indie meetup this one had a talk with Chris Stewart from Barking Dog studios and Andy Moore from Radial Games. The talk was good, quite a lot of people coming out, and a good motivator for going home and working on your own games.

book review game programmer

Book Review: Game Programming Golden Rules

The Game Programming Golden Rules by Martin Brownlow offers nine chapters on various game programming topics. For this review I will go through the chapters with a brief comment on each of them.

book review technical artist tools

Book Review: The Game Asset Pipeline

The Game Asset Pipeline by Ben Carter is interesting in that it is probably one of the only books out there on asset pipelines for games. The books is broken into too major parts: high level asset management, and low level processing details. Overall, the book handles these issues effectively and with some interesting insight […]

book review technical artist tools

Book Review: Game Engine Toolset Development

Not so much a programming book as much as it is a look into the entire world of tools development, Game Engine Toolset Development by Graham Wihlidal is an interesting read for those wanting to improve the production pipeline or tool creation. Now that I my current job is focused more on the technical artist/programmer […]

game programmer indie

Full Indie (Game Dev Event)

In order to keep up with some of the game development stuff, I decided to attend Vancouver Game Indie community (Full Indie) demo night: It was interesting to see what Vancouver had in the way of indie developers, and looked like there was some good stuff. I suspect that a large percentage of the […]