book review technical artist tools

Book Review: The Game Asset Pipeline

The Game Asset Pipeline by Ben Carter is interesting in that it is probably one of the only books out there on asset pipelines for games. The books is broken into too major parts: high level asset management, and low level processing details. Overall, the book handles these issues effectively and with some interesting insight […]

book review technical artist tools

Book Review: Game Engine Toolset Development

Not so much a programming book as much as it is a look into the entire world of tools development, Game Engine Toolset Development by Graham Wihlidal is an interesting read for those wanting to improve the production pipeline or tool creation. Now that I my current job is focused more on the technical artist/programmer […]

book review python

Book Review: Python Developer Handbook

A worthwhile tome of knowledge, Python Developer’s Handbook by Andre Lessa is a good introduction to Python in all forms. While it does not deal with Python 3.X it still gives quite a lot of examples about how complete python is as a language, and how useful it is for tools. As one of the […]

book review programming

Book Review: The Practice of Programming

A good book for those just starting out or wanting to look at programming again with a fresh set of eyes, The Practice of Programming by Brian K. Kernighan and Rob Pike has a good approach to teaching programming. Instead of focusing on syntax or abstract concepts right from the get go, the book instead […]

book review life hack

Book Review: The Productive Programmer

An intersting book The Productive Programmer by Neal Ford has some great tips for the everyday and really brings out interesting concepts about the daily tasks of programming, as well as some good advice such as “Don’t Shave Yaks”(where you can delve so far into a problem you end up solving everything but the problem) […]

book review

Book Review: Taming the Tiger

An interesting book Taming the Tiger: The Struggle to Control Technology by Witold Rybczynski, is not a programming or art book, but rather an interesting reflection of technology throughout history. The book brings up some intersting concepts, man as the prostetic god (able to extend his reach, life, travel and abilities far beyond natural levels […]

book review crunch game programmer team lead

Book Review: Death March: The Complete Software Developer’s Guide to Surviving ‘Mission Impossible’ Projects

A great book by Edward Yourdon, Death March: The Complete Software Developer’s Guide to Surviving ‘Mission Impossible’ Projects. Being part of a crunch turned to death march projects, this book speaks volumes on the subject and is a worthwhile read (hopefully before you start on a project). For a death march project to occur, one […]

book review terrain

Book Review: Focus on 3D Terrain Programming

Short and to the point,Focus on 3D Terrain Programming by Trent Polack is a good introduction to some of the algorithms used for 3D terrains. The book works well in introducing the simplest forms and growing more and more complex. Starting with a simple brute force algorithm, it covers terrain generation of fractal terrain, geo-mipmapping […]

book review team lead

Book Review: Peopleware

The book Peopleware:Productive Projects and Teams (2nd edition) by Tom Demarco and Timothy Lister should be required reading for anyone in charge of or working with software projects. So much of it is such good sense, and yet so much of it will make you shake your head and say “why are we still doing […]

book review c++

Book Review: Herb Schildt’s C++ Programming Cookbook

Cookbook books are interesting in that they often cover a wide range of topis in a short amount of time and space. Herb Schildt’s C++ Programming Cookbook, handles a number of topics including string handling, STL containers, I/O, formatting data, overloading operators like subscript, new and delete, the increment and decrement operators and the use […]